Reasons for Coking in the Tube Joined to the Main Oil Gas Piping Exit at Coke Tower Top and Countermeasures 自航式浮式采油储油卸油油轮焦炭塔顶大油气管线出口接管结焦原因及措施
Calculation model on the residual life of coking tower 焦炭塔剩余寿命的计算模型
It turned out that the residual lifetime of coking tower was 7.3 a. 据此计算出焦炭塔的剩余寿命为7.3a。
Analysis of Tress and Lifetime Under Coupling Action of Temperature and External Load of Coking Tower 焦化塔外载荷与温度耦合作用下的应力及寿命分析
Analysis of Endurance Test of the Residual Life of 20 g Coking Tower 20G焦炭塔剩余寿命的持久实验分析
Safe assessment research of coking tower 焦炭塔安全评定的研究
Insulation design of coking tower 焦炭塔的保温设计
Calculation Model Research on the Spheroidized Materials of Coking Tower 焦炭塔材料球化程度计算模型研究
Suggestions of reducing scum oil amount, change injection place from the coking tower bottom steam injection line to the coking tower top main oil and steam line were proposed. 提出减少浮渣油含量、将浮渣从焦炭塔底吹汽给水线注入改从焦炭塔顶大油气线上注入等措施。
The second part of this paper bring forward the application of neural network in the residual life of coking tower. 论文的第二部分提出了利用神经网络对焦炭塔剩余寿命进行预测的方案。
For obvious bulging deformed coking tower, the surface detection, wall thickness measurement, X-ray testing ( RT), penetrative testing ( PT), hardness measurement, mechanical test, chemical composition analysis, and metallographic examination were made. 对发生明显鼓胀变形的焦炭塔进行了表面检查、筒壁厚度测量、X-射线检测(RT)、渗透检测(PT)、硬度测定、机械性能测试、化学成分分析、金相分析。
Compilation of temperature load spectrum for top distill off pipeline of coking tower 焦炭塔塔顶馏出管线温度载荷谱的编制
Manufacture Procedure Improvement on Coking Tower in Delayed Coking Unit 炼油厂延迟焦化装置焦炭塔制造技术改进
On-line Estimation of Delaying Dry point of Products of Coking Fractionating Tower Implemented by Using Neural Network 应用神经网络实现延迟焦化分馏塔产品干点的在线估计
Bulging Deformation Analysis and Safety Assessment of Coking Tower 焦炭塔鼓胀变形分析与安全评定
Study on the Present Status of Coking Crushing out Tower Contaminants 熄焦塔污染物现状研究
Though degree of hardness, thickness, stress and temperature tests and checks of stress, maximum operating pressure, it can be concluded that strength and thickness of coking tower are safe. 作硬度、厚度、应力和温度测试,进行应力、最大允许操作压力的校核,得出焦炭塔在厚度和强度方面是安全的。
But the wall thickness, the stress, and the operating pressure of the coking tower are very safe. 但在筒壁厚度、筒壁应力、以及最大允许操作压力方面都有很大的安全裕度。
The Mechanism and Controls of Failures of Coking Tower 焦炭塔故障类型及产生机理与防治措施
Coke tower is the key equipment in delayed coking unit in oil refinery. High temperature, cyclic temperature fatigue and coking and decoking process may bring about local serious deformation and base metal weld crack on the tower in a long time service. 焦炭塔是炼油厂延迟焦化的关键设备,长期在高温及充焦和除焦的冷热疲劳作用下运行,塔体常出现局部严重变形和母材焊缝开裂问题。
High-temperature low cycle fatigue test assessing the residual lifetime of 20g coking tower 20g高温低周疲劳试验评定
Study on VAF-1 coking and corrosion inhibitor for atmospheric and vacuum distillation tower VAF-1常减压阻垢缓蚀剂的研究与评价